One song can change
the world

I am an Ambassador in Love Peace and Harmony Organisation and my aim is to spread
this song to Humanity and to reach many Souls and Hearts and create a better life to
everyone on Mother Earth.

Love, Peace and Harmony, the Divine Soul Song Master Sha received from the Divine in
2005, carries the high frequency and vibration of love, forgiveness, compassion and light.
Your body naturally resonates with this elevated frequency and responds by activating good
health and positive outcomes in your life as well as in the world.
These practices will give you a calm, peaceful state of mind and open your heart to giving
and receiving more love. You will acquire powerful new tools for nurturing your health and
creating more success in every aspect of your life.

Join The Mater Sha Tao Centre in London every Tuesday evening at 7.30pm GMT to
experience the power of Love Peace and Harmony here 

Into the link down you can download the song Love Peace and Harmony here

You can find us on Facebook here

I am singing Love Peace and Harmony every Wednesday at 4pm UK time.
Please come and sing together with me.

I am sending you all my Love Peace and Harmony.